How Your Stomach Controls H-Cl Acid For Preventing Stomach Cancer

   STOMACH CANCER                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Your stomach knows how to prevent cancer.  If you go against your stomach's natural ability to maintain stomach acid levels, you open yourself up to other diseases, including stomach what you can do to stay health  while trying to treat your acid re-flux.                                                             

 Your gut is always healthy and knows what to do to stay healthy. This  done by changing the state of your stomach to accommodate your food and the food of your guests. Illnesses like heartburn or acid re-flux and indigestion occur when you eat the bad or wrong food. This causes your stomach to malfunction, and in the process, it disrupts the surrounding valve that controls the movement of food in and out of your stomach. This is how your stomach works.                                                                   peptic acid, gas acidity, bile re-flux diet, Ger remedies,                        H-Cl in stomach, gastric re-flux, gastric acid, gastric juice, hyper acidity, stomach acid  

The H-Cl acid in your stomach likes to have a pH between 1 and 3, and a hormone called  gastric acid keeps this acid strong. When stomach acid is weak, the pH is above 3, and the "G cells" in your stomach release wastes. The hormone gastric acid  activates the parietal cells in the lining of the stomach to secrete H-Cl. As more acid is absorbed into the stomach, the pH drops below 3, indicating that the G cells stop reducing or releasing wastes. When food enters your stomach, it usually has a pH of 6-7. This can cause your G cells to inject sub-gastric H-Cl into your stomach, which will begin to break down your food and lower the pH to 2-3. Gastric acid also regulates stomach muscles. It regulates the contraction of your stomach, moving the contents of your stomach backward. As food  digested and broken down, contractions move the food into the duodenum and small intestine.                                   peptic acid, gas acidity, bile re-flux diet, Ger remedies,                        H-Cl in stomach, gastric re-flux, gastric acid, gastric juice, hyper acidity, stomach acid 

When your stomach produces high levels of  gastric acid, known as hyper gastric acid, you are at risk of stomach cancer. How to get rid of excess stomach? Excess gastric acid can  secreted when the stomach wall is thin, dysfunctional, or atrophied. Also, if you have heartburn, acid re-flux,  excess gastric acid can  released when you take an acid-blocking drug like generic drug. If you reduce the production of H-Cl with the medicine when you eat, your stomach will release gastric acid to produce more acid. Because the drug inhibits acid production, G cells believe that not enough acid produced in the stomach and more gastric acid  produced. Taking 20 mg of generic drug can cause a 3-4 times increase in gastric emptying. If you take 40 to 60 mg of generic drug, it can be 10 times more than the stomach needs. Long-term use of generic drug increases your risk of stomach cancer. Now, you can see that when used, only one drug can cause the worst diseases that try to prevent or treat with long-term use. That is why it is best to look for natural ways to deal with heartburn, acid re-flux, or stomach pain. Correcting your diet and using natural remedies can help you treat stomach problems and keep you away from cancer.


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