What are the best ways to prevent lung cancer?

           SMOKING AND BLACK LUNGS                    lungs, emphysema, lung cancer, pulmonary, infection, popcorn lung, lung disease, vital capacity, lung infection, smoking
      It seems to be a pleasure and relaxation for smokers. But, it does not show how smoking can affect  the human body, especially the lungs. One of the side effects of smoking is a lung disease.                      
lungs, emphysema, lung cancer, pulmonary, infection, popcorn lung, lung disease, vital capacity, lung infection, smoking                                                                          Black lung is usually mined in coal mines. Here, the carbon from the coal dust enters the miner's body and is stored in his lungs. Over time, the dust builds up into a black substance that covers the entire lung.                                                                                                                              
lungs, emphysema, lung cancer, pulmonary, infection, popcorn lung, lung disease, vital capacity, lung infection, smoking
  Breathing problems will occur due to black lung coverage. Although today's technology has improved a lot, there is no cure for black lung. Since the black lung is a condition that can turn into a serious condition called  syndrome, it is better to talk about preventive measures. This preventive measure is the only way to prevent  syndrome from developing into a headache. Although it is now possible for individuals working in coal mines to develop black lungs, this condition can be controlled and prevented. One such precaution includes requiring coal miners to undergo a full medical examination every year. Although this does not prevent the disease, it can prevent the black lung from spreading completely to the lungs.                                                                                                                                   
lungs, emphysema, lung cancer, pulmonary, infection, popcorn lung, lung disease, vital capacity, lung infection, smoking
  People who suffer from this disease should check whether they have a smoking habit. If you have such a habit, you should stop smoking as soon as possible. Various substances in cigarettes and tobacco can make lung disease worse. Since the black lung is a condition that affects people who work in coal mines, it is better if conditions in mines focus on worker safety. Because this safety feature is a must-see for coal mine workers, there is no guarantee that you will encounter coal dust or other harmful debris. Although smoking can cause some breathing problems, black lung is nothing that most smokers need to worry about. If you know anyone with this disease, contact your doctor and get medical attention before the condition becomes dangerous and goes untreated. 


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