7 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels Without Drugs or Surgery

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                                       Sugar is the main cause of hypoglycemia and diabetes. Although sugar provides a temporary boost of energy, frequent consumption of it puts a lot of stress on the organs and glands that regulate blood sugar levels. If you do not have hypoglycemia or diabetes, or if you rarely deal with diabetes, gastric bypass surgery can treat occasional diabetes. But if you eat sugar a lot, your pancreas can become hypersensitive to sugar and overreact, flooding your body with insulin and causing low blood sugar levels. This activates your kidneys and tells your liver to release stored glucose as emergency fuel, which once again fills your blood with sugar. If this happens too often, your pancreas will give up and stop producing insulin, or your cells may become resistant to insulin and hypoglycemia may progress to diabetes. 

                                    sugar level, glucose levels, sugar test, sugar high, fasting blood sugar, hyperglycemia symptoms, diabetes range, blood glucose, diabetes range,  blood sugar

Most American women eat 80 pounds of sugar a year, as well as large amounts of refined carbohydrates, such as white flour, which are converted into glucose in the body. Even if you don't add sugar to your diet, if you have a lot of processed foods in your diet, you can get a lot of money. Of course, sweets and desserts are loaded with sugar, but other foods such as salad dressings, pasta sauces, and dry cereals usually contain large amounts of sugar. Sugar is hidden in many forms in foods and is often used in more than one form in processed foods. Learn to enjoy the unprocessed (moderate) sweetness of fresh fruits and sweet vegetables like spinach, kale, and winter squash. While giving up concentrated sweeteners may be difficult at first, you will find that your sugar cravings will decrease within a few weeks. 

Other foods that interfere with healthy blood sugar levels include refined carbohydrates such as bread and pasta made from white flour and white rice, all of which are converted to simple sugars in the body. Stimulants like caffeine offer a temporary burst, but stress the kidneys and impair their ability to regulate blood sugar levels. Alcohol disrupts the stability of blood sugar because it interferes with the use of glucose in the body and stimulates the release of insulin, which causes blood sugar to rise. 

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To maintain blood sugar stability, eat foods high in fiber, especially soluble fiber, which slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and prevents rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. Soluble fiber increases the pancreas' sensitivity to insulin and the liver's use of glucose, which prevents the pancreas from holding too much insulin and causing blood sugar levels to become too high. Aim for at least 35 grams and 50 grams of fiber each day. Seeds, whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits are good sources of fiber, and good sources of soluble fiber in particular include legumes, oatmeal, green leafy vegetables, apples, and pears. Eat carbohydrates as close to their natural state as possible, as the fiber content helps slow down the absorption of natural sugars in carbohydrates, for example, eat apples instead of drinking apple juice. Psyllium seeds, gum, and pectin are extra sources of soluble fiber. Drink one to three tablespoons of a fiber supplement in a glass of water twice a day before meals to balance blood sugar levels. 

                                 sugar level, glucose levels, sugar test, sugar high, fasting blood sugar, hyperglycemia symptoms, diabetes range, blood glucose, diabetes range,  blood sugar

 Protein is essential for proper kidney, pancreas, and  liver  function  and  prevents  cravings  for carbohydrate-rich foods. Because protein does not stimulate insulin release like carbohydrates, it helps balance blood sugar levels. For the greatest blood sugar stability, eat three to four ounces of protein at lunch and dinner. Healthy fats are essential for providing a sense of satiety that helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and reduce carbohydrate cravings. Raw nuts and seeds, avocado, olive oil, and flax seed oil are good sources of health-promoting fats. 

Eating small, frequent meals is a useful strategy for balancing blood sugar levels. Avoid eating or going more than two to three hours without eating. Get in the habit of eating regular meals because your body works best on a regular schedule. Plan to eat three times a day, plus breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Add small amounts of protein or fat to your meals to help stabilize your blood sugar, such as apples and almonds, tofu, carrot sticks, and some nuts. 

Supplements that are particularly useful for balancing blood sugar include the mineral chromium 


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