The Best Ways to Beat Seasonal Allergies and Asthma Symptoms


asthma, asthma attack, allergist, peak flow, inhalers, asthma pump, blue inhaler, inhaler spacer, tezepelumab, rescue inhaler

 It is estimated that up to sixty percent of asthma cases in the US are related to allergies. You are not alone. Many people like you suffer from the same double-barrel disease. The fact is that allergies can trigger or worsen asthma. The mucous membranes of the nose and throat are susceptible to allergic reactions to fungi. pollen and anything else you may be allergic to. You may be suffering from allergy-induced asthma and not even know it.

But, there is hope. Ongoing research has revealed a link between allergies and asthma. Over the years, people who have treated their asthma only with asthma medications may have been treating the symptom and not the cause all along. Allergen immunotherapy has been shown to work often for people with allergy-induced asthma. For these people, the desensitizing shots were a blessing and relieved them of their suffering by allowing their bodies to have the allergic reactions that were causing their asthma.

asthma, asthma attack, allergist, peak flow, inhalers, asthma pump, blue inhaler, inhaler spacer, tezepelumab, rescue inhaler

There are several medications available that can help reduce throat inflammation in asthmatics. They come in all forms from inhalers to pill forms to injections, and if your type of asthma is caused by allergies, they can help you get relief from allergic asthma. It is possible that you have allergies and asthma is your only reaction. This means that you do not have to show any other allergic reactions other than asthma caused by your allergy. So you may be one of the many people who suffer from allergy-induced asthma who doesn't even know that this is the cause of their suffering? Who is at risk for allergy-induced asthma? If you have a family history of allergies and also have asthma, you have a higher-than-normal risk of your asthma being allergy-induced asthma. Studies have shown that up to seventy-two percent of people who have asthma also have hay fever. This does not mean that all cases of asthma are allergy-induced asthma.

asthma, asthma attack, allergist, peak flow, inhalers, asthma pump, blue inhaler, inhaler spacer, tezepelumab, rescue inhaler

 Several other forms of asthma are not allergy-induced asthma. Other forms of asthma are exercise-induced asthma and non-allergic cold air-induced asthma or gastroesophageal reflux-induced asthma. You must determine what type of asthma you have.

The fact is, there is hope for all asthmatics. Ongoing research is developing new treatments for both allergy-induced and non-allergic asthma. Many scientists believe a cure is on the horizon. Yet, in the absence of a complete cure, great progress has been made in treating the symptoms that make sufferers miserable. Some find that a combination of treatment strategies is the answer to their problem. Of course, finding and eliminating the source of their allergy symptoms are the first step, if at all possible. Many times this is the solution. The important thing is that you don't give up on your quest for help. 


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