3 Herbal Calcium Supplements That Can Cure Your Calcium Deficiency

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Calcium plays a vital role in our body. Bones and muscles must have 99% of calcium, while 1 percent of calcium is needed in the blood for important functions. It also regulates the activity of our heart. You need to make sure you get enough calcium to meet your body's needs. Adults need 1300 mg of calcium per day. Children need 300 mg of calcium per day. Calcium deficiency could lead to various diseases such as brittle nails, eczema, brittle and soft bones, palpitations, insomnia, rickets, and tooth decay. So, everyone should take care to supply the body with the necessary calcium, which will ensure strong bones and muscles for daily activities and maintaining health. It is recommended to consume Calcivon tablets which are the best herbal calcium supplements to meet your body's daily calcium needs.

It is one of the best herbal supplements to treat calcium deficiency in men and women. Its key ingredients are Mukta Sukhti Bhasam, Base, Aspartame, Godanti Hartal Bhasam, Khatika, and permitted flavors, colors, and preservatives. To cure calcium deficiency in men and women, you must consume two Calcivon tablets daily with milk or plain water after meals. You must consume these herbal calcium supplements for 90 or 120 days to meet your calcium requirements and improve bone and muscle health. Regular intake of herbal calcium supplements nourishes your bones and joints and prevents atrophy due to advancing age. Calcium intake is not enough to prevent bone atrophy. You need to provide vitamin D along with calcium to support digestion and absorption of essential nutrients for the bones and body. Herbal supplements also provide it. Herbal bone and joint pills also provide functions such as purifying the blood, strengthening the circulatory system, aiding digestion, reducing blood acid levels, improving immunity, and controlling infections.

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Thus, these herbal pills also ensure the flexibility of bones and joints to perform daily tasks. Lack of exercise is one of the causes of poor joint and bone health. You should make it a habit to do exercises like push-ups, yoga, jogging, frog jumping, stretching, etc. besides consuming herbal pills to treat calcium deficiency in men and women. You should stop drinking alcohol. A healthy diet is essential to provide all vital nutrients and flush toxins from the body to prevent stone formation. Foods rich in calcium also help to strengthen and ensure the health of joints, muscles, and bones without side effects. It is recommended to include sesame seeds, green leafy vegetables like methi, spinach, celery and lettuce, ginger, pumpkin seeds, buttermilk, curd, paneer, egg yolks, oily fish, and cheese in your daily diet.


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