
8 Reasons Why you Need a Good Sleep?

 Poor sleep affects weight:  People who sleep less tend to gain more weight. People who sleep less often weigh more than those who don't sleep the required number of hours. The shortest amount of sleep is the main reason that causes obesity. For example, if you're thinking about losing weight, you need to make sure you get enough sleep. Those who sleep a lot consume fewer calories – Research shows that those who sleep less have a greater appetite and thus tend to consume more calories. Those who have faced a lack of sleep observe fluctuations in sleep hormones. You will observe higher levels of ghrelin, which handles stimulates appetite. Decreased levels of leptin, which handles suppressing appetite. Good sleep improves concentration and productivity:   Good sleep helps increase concentration, productivity, and performance in the workplace. A short amount of sleep is also responsible for a negative impact on brain function. These limited effects are like alcohol intoxicat...

3 Herbal Calcium Supplements That Can Cure Your Calcium Deficiency

  HERBAL CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTS Calcium plays a vital role in our body. Bones and muscles must have 99% of calcium, while 1 percent of calcium is needed in the blood for important functions. It also regulates the activity of our heart. You need to make sure you get enough calcium to meet your body's needs. Adults need 1300 mg of calcium per day. Children need 300 mg of calcium per day. Calcium deficiency could lead to various diseases such as brittle nails, eczema, brittle and soft bones, palpitations, insomnia, rickets, and tooth decay. So, everyone should take care to supply the body with the necessary calcium, which will ensure strong bones and muscles for daily activities and maintaining health. It is recommended to consume Calcivon tablets which are the best herbal calcium supplements to meet your body's daily calcium needs. It is one of the best herbal supplements to treat calcium deficiency in men and women. Its key ingredients are Mukta Sukhti Bhasam, Base, Aspartame, Goda...

What is Xanthelasma? A rare skin condition you need to know about

 What is Xanthelasma? Xanthelasma is characterized by a soft, semi-hard, or calcified patch on the skin. This patch is symmetrical and has a flat surface measuring 2-30 mm and is also classified as a skin necrobiotic disorder and a form of xanthoma. Causes of xanthelasma There are various causes of xanthelasma, although all are influenced by the presence of lipids. These causes are: Hereditary: This occurs in the form of hereditary disorders. Most victims of this skin disease have a family history of a disorder of lipoprotein metabolism.  Cholesterol: This is another cause of disease. When excess cholesterol is present in white blood cells, it weakens white blood cells and prevents them from resisting excess lipids in the body. Temperature and Friction: High temperature causes an increase in the level of lipoprotein density in the body; how? The high temperature causes the lipoprotein molecules to move, giving them more mobility and leading to leakage from the capillaries in t...

The Truth About What Causes Beriberi and How to Avoid It

BERI-BERI  Beriberi is a thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency disease that affects many body systems, including the muscles, heart, nerves, and digestive system. Beriberi means "I can't, I can't" in sing-halse, reflecting the crippling effect it has on its victims. It is common in parts of Southeast Asia where white rice is the staple food. In the United States, beriberi occurs in people with chronic alcoholism. Causes There is usually only one main cause of beriberi: • Lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine) in the diet This condition can also have another reason: • Alcohol abuse – people who drink a lot may not have enough vitamin B1 (thiamine) • Baby food – there may be some special baby food that may not contain enough vitamin B1 (thiamine) • Dialysis – can often cause deficiencies of all nutrients, but especially water-soluble ones such as vitamin B1 (thiamine) • Diuretics – long-term use of diuretics can cause a deficiency of all nutrients, but especially water-soluble ones s...

The Best Ways to Beat Seasonal Allergies and Asthma Symptoms

ASTHMA  It is estimated that up to sixty percent of asthma cases in the US are related to allergies. You are not alone. Many people like you suffer from the same double-barrel disease. The fact is that allergies can trigger or worsen asthma. The mucous membranes of the nose and throat are susceptible to allergic reactions to fungi. pollen and anything else you may be allergic to. You may be suffering from allergy-induced asthma and not even know it. But, there is hope. Ongoing research has revealed a link between allergies and asthma. Over the years, people who have treated their asthma only with asthma medications may have been treating the symptom and not the cause all along. Allergen immunotherapy has been shown to work often for people with allergy-induced asthma. For these people, the desensitizing shots were a blessing and relieved them of their suffering by allowing their bodies to have the allergic reactions that were causing their asthma. There are several medications avai...

The Truth About Acne Medicines: Are They Effective? Safe?

ABOUT ACNE Acne, the most common disease seen in dermatological practice, is characterized by non-inflammatory and inflammatory lesions that appear on the face, upper chest, and back. Acne-post If you are almost a teenager, it is quite likely that you have some acne, about 8 out of 10 pre-teens and teens have acne along with many adults.  Acne vulgaris - topic overview - yahoo health acne guide is designed to help you better understand your skin condition, define the different types of acne, provide information on how to prevent acne scarring and. The Acne Answers Acne Resource Center provides all the information you need about acne prevention, acne treatment, and acne products. Acne - Blackheads and Whiteheads With so many acne treatments around, you need to check out some acne treatment reviews, get resources on the different treatments available, and choose one that is compatible.  Antiaging Acne Skin Care Blackheads and whiteheads are a specific type of acne called comedon...

7 Warning Signs of Liver Disease You Need To Know

LIVER DISEASE Liver illness can be acquired (hereditary) or it tends to be brought about by various elements that harm the liver, for example, infections, liquor misuse, and heftiness. At last, factors that harm the liver can cause scarring (cirrhosis), which can prompt liver disappointment, a dangerous circumstance. In any case, early treatment can give the liver opportunity to recuperate. Peruse what you ought to be familiar with liver illness.    What are the side effects of liver disappointment? It can need a very long time for the liver inability to create. Side effects of liver disappointment additionally show up as side effects of other ailments, which can make early identification troublesome. As the breaking down liver starts to debilitate, side effects decline.  Persistent liver disappointment, or liver disappointment that goes on for a very long time, can prompt: Weakness Inclined to queasiness, Loss of craving, The runs Retching of blood Horrendous stools Simi...