8 Reasons Why you Need a Good Sleep?
Poor sleep affects weight: People who sleep less tend to gain more weight. People who sleep less often weigh more than those who don't sleep the required number of hours. The shortest amount of sleep is the main reason that causes obesity. For example, if you're thinking about losing weight, you need to make sure you get enough sleep. Those who sleep a lot consume fewer calories – Research shows that those who sleep less have a greater appetite and thus tend to consume more calories. Those who have faced a lack of sleep observe fluctuations in sleep hormones. You will observe higher levels of ghrelin, which handles stimulates appetite. Decreased levels of leptin, which handles suppressing appetite. Good sleep improves concentration and productivity: Good sleep helps increase concentration, productivity, and performance in the workplace. A short amount of sleep is also responsible for a negative impact on brain function. These limited effects are like alcohol intoxicat...